Duties of the Heart

With Mrs. Margie Szerer

about the instructor

Mrs. Margie Szerer

Margie Szerer was born and raised in Colombia. About twenty years ago, she moved together with her husband and three daughters to the United States. They enrolled their daughters in a Jewish day school, which stirred their Jewish soul, and little by little, they started growing in Torah and Mitzvot. For the past several years, she has been teaching seven different classes each week on the Weekly Parsha (Torah Portion), Shalom Bayit (Peace in the home), Rosh Chodesh (new month / moon), Living Happier, and many other topics. You can find her classes on Torahanytime, and more recently she began posting short classes on these subjects every week on her website livealittlehigher.com. Her dream is to help every Jew live a better, happier, more meaningful life by learning a little Torah everyday, increasing in their Mitzvot, and to together build a proper dwelling for Hashem in our world!