Bitachon in Depth

With Rabbi Yossi Paltiel

About the Course

Bitachon in Depth

Likkutei Sichos, Volume 36, Shemot

Over the generations, the Baal Shem Tov and the Rebbeim who followed him introduced a new conception of bitachon, trust in G‑d, making it part of the heritage of Chassidism. Their contribution was predominantly on the personal, one-to-one level. When Jews who felt distress and challenge would turn to their Rebbe, the Rebbe imparted the inner strength, hope, and security that empowered them to overcome the obstacles they faced from within and without.

In our generation, the Rebbe continued this motif, radiating unshakable faith and trust in G‑d to the Jewish people as a whole, and to the thousands of individuals, lending encouragement to all those who sought him out. People from all walks of life, when confronted by significant challenges, turned instinctively to the Rebbe and were heartened by the uplifting guidance he offered.

However, the Rebbe did more than encourage and inspire bitachon. He helped his chassidim understand the intellectual underpinnings of what it means to trust G‑d. In this way, it became not only a goal that they should strive for, but a character trait effectively intertwined with their thinking processes.

The sichah covered in this course lays out the foundation for a proactive approach to bitachon, revolutionizing the way we understand the nature of the trust in G‑d which the Torah expects of us.

The traditional understanding of bitachon involves a relatively passive approach: We are meant to recognize that everything that transpires – whether outwardly positive or, Heaven forbid, negative – comes from G‑d and therefore is for our own good. Accordingly, we should happily accept it, trusting that since our fate is in G‑d’s hands, whatever happens will ultimately benefit us.

The Rebbe challenges us to trust that not only will G‑d bring us good and wellbeing in the ultimate future, but to confidently expect that He will help us in the immediate present and enable us to overcome any challenge. Such expectations are not merely optimistic thoughts to ease our minds and hearts; they actually affect our future, setting in motion a dynamic that enables their fulfillment, as the Rebbe would frequently counsel: Tracht gut, vet zain gut (“Think positively, and the outcome will be positive”).

about the instructor

Rabbi Yossi Paltiel

Rabbi Yossi Paltiel is a renowned scholar on Jewish mysticism and Chassidic thought. He is a popular lecturer and mentor, with a gift for communicating his passion for Torah and Judaism, with students across the world.

Rabbi Paltiel is the founder of, where he has hundreds of classes on all topics of Kabballah and Chassidus.

His classes weave together classic commentaries, Jewish Law, history and philosophy, personal stories, wit, and a deep knowledge in a way that is both intellectually stimulating and heartwarming.

He currently teaches at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Chovevei Torah (United Lubavitcher Yeshiva), Machon L’Yahadus Women’s Institute for the Study of Judaism, and at the Beis Midrash L’Nashim (Women’s and Girls’ Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning under the Directorship of Rebbetzin Ariella Benhiyoun) at 770 Eastern Parkway, Crown Heights, Brooklyn.