7 Qualities Cheat Sheet

Based on the Chovos Halevavos (Best to say this out loud)

1) Hashem is the most compassionate and the source of all compassion, empathy, and love.
Any kindness, good word, help, positive feeling, and love that is in the world at large is from Hashem. Furthermore, any kindness, act of generosity, positivity, and inspiration that I personally receive from any source without exception was sent to me by Hashem.

Therefore, I will try to recognize all the good, love, kindness, graciousness, and compassion that I receive(d), acknowledge the messenger, but most of all, be fully appreciative and thankful to Hashem, the sender. From this I can learn to fully trust in Hashem. Thank you Hashem!

2) Hashem pays attention to me personally, He doesn't ignore me, ever! He always is working on my case, situation, and circumstances. Sometimes I daven and ask Hashem for things but I don’t receive what I want nor any type of response. I feel as if Hashem is ignoring me. These feelings are not emes for Hashem never ignores anyone. He has His ways of dealing with requests and He responds in ways that we don't know or understand.

Therefore, I believe and trust in my heart (feel) that Hashem always knows what I need and is tirelessly working it out for me even if it doesn't seem that way.

3) Hashem is the Almighty! Whatever He wants, He does. No one has the strength to stop even a part of what He decides to do.
Hashem is always compassionate towards me, even though I don't always understand how. Even when my enemies, people trying to hurt me or stop me from receiving what I want or need, seem like they have the power to do so, it is not true. Only Hashem has the power to help or harm me in any and every area of life (physical health, mental health, monetary, socially, and familially).

Therefore, I believe and trust in my heart (feel) that Hashem is the only power in this world and no one can stop Him. I will not allow myself to be tricked and think that people or situations have authority in this world to do what they want. They are messengers of Hashem! Hashem is the only power!

4) Hashem is the only One who knows what’s truly good and beneficial for me in every area of life and in every situation. He knows every possible detail of me and my situation both in what’s revealed and known and that which is not revealed and unknown.

Whether the situation is good or “bad” Hashem knows (and is running) it all. Sometimes I think I know what’s best because who can know more about my life than myself? Yet, the truth is that Hashem is the One who created me physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, etc... thus He knows me more intimately than I know myself. Consequently, He always knows what’s best for me. Even though sometimes it looks like the exact opposite is occurring, it’s not true. It is always for good.

Therefore, I believe and trust in my heart (feel) that Hashem is with me in every detail of every situation (big and small) that I encounter as He creates every situation from His goodness and for my best interests. Even if I don't understand how it’s possible, I still surrender my own thoughts, expectations, and will to Hashem’s will!!

5) Hashem has been with me, providing me with life, food, and protection since I was an embryo in my mother’s womb. Not only that but He will provide and guide me until the end of my days. Hashem has known me intimately since I was a baby. He knows everything I have gone through, everything I have encountered and experienced, and everything I am, afterall, he is the Creator of everything that has happened to me, everything I experience(d), and what my physical, mental, and emotional attributes are. I will try to never think that Hashem doesn’t know and understand my situation. He surely knows it better than I do.

Therefore, I believe and trust in Hashem for He has been with me, providing me with goodness and graciousness throughout all my years and even in this very moment I know and trust He will continue!

6) Only Hashem can help or harm me (which is also for my benefit). I am totally in Hashem’s hands. Everyone is merely a messenger sent from Hashem to do Hashem’s will, ONLY.
In every area of my life whether it be in parnassa, health, wife and children, spiritually, etc... Hashem is the only One running the show. If it’s “revealed good” then I want to recognize that good and dwell on appreciating it. If it’s bad (and the good is hidden), then first I must recognize that it is only Hashem doing it, and no one else has power to do anything to me, not even a tiny bit. Therefore, even in the bad I will look to find the positive reasons why Hashem may be doing this to me (whether for my growth or for atonement, etc.)

Therefore, it doesn't matter what situation is thrown at me, I will only dwell on the Hand of G-d that is behind the scene. I will only turn to Him with emunah, tefillah, hope, and surrender. I will try not to become angry or emotional at the messengers of Hashem. Rather, I will use my emotions in supplication to Hashem, begging Him that I trust in Him even during the dark times. If I can be zoche to bitachon then I will be tranquil and happy.

7) Hashem is infinitely generous! His kindness and compassion is never ending towards those ‘deserving’ even and those ‘underserving’.
I feel as if I can only trust in Hashem if I’ve been a good boy and deserve it. This is untrue. Who are we to limit Hashem’s goodness and compassion? Trusting in Hashem does not mean that He will give me what I want, but what He deems appropriate and best for me at this moment. Therefore, even if I feel undeserving of revealed good, I can still trust that He will do for me what He deems appropriate which may be a difficult or trying situation (but is certainly hidden good as it will help me grow or be an atonement for me).

Therefore, even if i don't think I am deserving of Hashem’s revealed goodness, even if I feel like I am lacking, even if I am not performing mitzvos properly, even if I have been c”v sinning and can’t stop, no matter what I think, Hashem still allows me and wants me to trust in Him. His kindness knows no boundaries!! I trust that He always has my best interests in mind and guides me towards my best-self. I fully surrender to

Him and can live calmly, tranquilly, and even happy no matter what the situation is.


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