Ahead Of Time

Shaar Habitachon: A person has no control when something will happen. Everything is in G-d’s hands. Although a person often seems to have influence over what will happen, this is not really true. That which does seem to happen in this manner has been decreed by the Creator from the beginning of creation. (Shaar Habitachon, ch. 3)

Story: Once, while traveling with the Baal Shem Tov, his student, Reb Mendel of Bar was extremely  thirsty. The Baal Shem Tov told him: “If you will truly place your trust in God, you will certainly come across water.”

A short while later the Baal Shem Tov and his student met a person, who told them that three days ago he lost his horses in this area, and he asked the Baal Shem Tov and his student if perhaps they had seen these horses, which he had been searching for three days. After responding, they asked the person whether he had some extra water to share, and he shared with Reb Mendel some water to drink.

A while later, Reb Mendel asked the Baal Shem Tov: “Hashem surely arranged that this person should come past here especially for my sake, so that I should have to drink. Why, however, did he have to spend three days on the road (looking for his lost horses)?”

The Baal Shem Tov answered Reb Mendel: “Hashem prepared this person to help you before you needed the help, in order that if you were to have real trust in Hashem, your need would be taken care of immediately.”

(Sippurei Chasidim, Parashas Bechukosai)


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Rabbi Itzick Yarmush

Itzick Yarmush is the content editor of Chayenu and co-author of the recently published Gate of Trust (Fellig Edition)



